The highest peak in Peninsula Malaysia, a summit of 2187m, one of the world's oldest virgin jungle that existed for more than 130 million years, the world's largest orchid, carnivorous pitcher plants, elephants, tigers, Sumatran rhino and yesh yesh yesh, it's Gunung Tahan!
Yesh, let's Tahan Sampai Tahun Depan. Lock your calendar in March 2008 for this event. Why this expedition is so special other than Gunung Tahan is the highest peak in Peninsula Malaysia?
Ever wonder to share honey from bee hive with the orang asli? To catch a fish as huge as humans? Sitting by the campfire having the tribesmen to dance around you? And build a raft to cross the river? Sleep when the cicadas start to sing and wake up by the gibbons' Canon in D? Been wishing to enjoy the landscape on top of the hill looking over clouds with lovely people? Then, this expedition is meant for you! Top top it all, you'll get special training to make yourself one step nearer to win the leech flicking championship!
You know your cells have started to itch, why wait? Get yourself registered! Raleigh promotes the idea of having different people with different background from different places to come under one roof. So BUG your gang to join!
You are most welcomed to email me your full name, age, gender, contact number, email address at if you're interested. We start to plan plan early. More info, please give me a ring 012-273 9503.
REMEMBER! This is a bonus that your boss will not be able to pay, a credit that your lecturers will not be able to provide.
Yang boleh Tahan,
Xin Tong
Secretary 1
m : +6012 273 9503